Wednesday, October 12

In a dark corner

Working on Beyond the Mat, draft version 6.0. Met the new co-producer, Teresa, on the project. Even more great energy to an already wonderful group of people. Van, the director, flies out to Seattle this weekend to meet with some investors. If all goes well he'll bringing back a sizeable chunk of the budget. Fingers crossed.

I'm taking over the reigns of the rewrite on Blood Bond. Met with the director to make sure we're on the same page as far as the rewrite is concerned. It's going to need a major patch job with a lot spit and polish to fix some stuff up. I'm confident I can handle it. Time is of the essence.

Califronio goes out to a major player in the coming week or so. Trying not to think about it too much as I'm sure it will overwhelm me if I did.

I'm writing with a bit more confidence and walking with a little more pep in my step.

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